Wednesday, September 9, 2020

It's the end of the world as we know it...

I woke up early this morning to make breakfast for the kids.  The light outside was orange and gloomy.  I couldn't figure out why it was so dark but chalked it up to the early hour of the morning.  I got the kids settled at school and went back to bed for a nap.  Two hours later, the light was exactly the same: orange, gloomy, weird!  I went outside and the car I had taken through the wash just the night before looked like a kid had thrown sand all over it at the beach.  What was going on!? 

Upon closer inspection, I saw it was fine ash.  Looking at the sun and sky I understood this was a smoke problem.  The fires in California continue to rage and while we are still physically safe, our air is weird and scary to behold.  

I woke Lorien up to witness the weirdness.  I looked up news reports only to see photos of landscapes and cityscapes even weirder than we were seeing.  It was a very eerie day to be sure.  Turns out, we had a marine layer of fog roll in overnight.  Then the gulf stream stalled keeping the marine layer in place and trapping the smoke under the fog making the daylight SO WEIRD.  Just another drop in the 2020 bucket, right?

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