Monday, March 26, 2018

Sometimes it's fun to drive home...

Since living in California and having family in Utah/Idaho/Montana we have made the trip east over Nevada quite a lot.  We have our system and usually make the trip to Utah in 10-11 hours.  Most of the time it is long and boring but we are always glad we made the trip and always glad to be home.

On our most recent drive home, we did a couple of things that made the drive a little more fun.

First: we stopped at the salt flats for the first time that I can remember.  Seriously, we've made this drive a zillion times and never stopped before?  Sigh.  It was cold and windy but fun and interesting.

We took a few jumping photos before hurrying back to the warm van!

The second fun thing was stopping to check out the snow.  The pass over the Sierra Nevada Mountains usually has snow on the ground if we drive over in the winter.  I think it has only actually been snowing from the sky once or twice.  Which is fortunate for safer driving conditions but disappointing for kids who want to see snow!

This time we hit a mild storm as we crossed.  We drove safely and were even able to find a pull off spot so we could get out and check out the snow.

Real snowflake shapes!

I have mixed emotions about making these drives.  Most of the time they stink and I want them to be over as soon as possible.  Some of the time I enjoy the forced family time.  We listen to comedy albums and talk.  The kids get electronics time and Will and I get to talk a bit.  We always end up spending way too much at one rest stop for candy and snacks.  Will is always grumpy about that.  But it always ends up cheaper than flying!  I'm always grateful we can make the drive to see so much of our family a few states away.

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