Sunday, March 25, 2018

Clare is 12 years old!

Oh Clare Bear, you are twelve years old!  I can hardly believe it!  You get to graduate from Primary and finally be in Young Womens!  You are one year away from being a TEENAGER!  You are in love with dance and move your body all the time.  You are making your way through middle school with ease, even if your crush doesn't know you exist.  You've made new friends and kept old friendships.  You are super into slime...well, making slime and watching slime videos.  You are good to your siblings, even if you and Adell fight (a lot).  You are a treasure and we are so thankful you are in our family.  Happy Birthday Clare!

Clare's birthday came right after her field trip to China Town with her sixth grade class and right before her Uncle Chris was rebaptized.  So, we let Clare go on the China Town field trip and flew her out to Utah to be with us for Uncle Chris's special day.  Uncle David took Clare to the airport and Clare got to fly alone while the rest of us made the 11 hour drive out to Utah.

Clare was so happy to spend a couple days with her cousin, Clara.

We had a big all-family-birthday-dinner for Clare at the Red Iguana with ice cream cake.  Clare was such a good sport.

We had to drive home on Clare's actual birthday.  We watched the clock and waited for 4:15 pm to know EXACTLY when Clare would turn twelve.  We also handed Clare a present to open every few hours (only three presents for the drive, the rest we saved for her home party).

When we got home we saw the Beehive class (her new church class) had decorated our front door with hearts for Clare.

A couple of days later (Wednesday) we had Clare's party with more cake and ice cream, her choice of dinner and presents.  It all worked out and Clare is so happy to be 12!

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