Tuesday, May 19, 2020

It's great to be eight!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear Colter!
Happy birthday to you!

Colter turned 8 today!  He has been looking forward to his birthday for months (naturally).  A birthday under a COVID 19 shelter in place order was going to look different but it turned out to be pretty spectacular!  Colter had a very easy day of school work (just two worksheets) and got to play video games all day.  Dad took him out for McDonalds ice cream (McDonalds is only serving McFlurries so they had to do Burger King instead).  Colter planned three activities: hide and seek in the dark, tennis, and a water balloon fight.  It was too cold for water balloons so we saved those for a warmer day.  Will took Colter to the tennis courts to play tennis while Adell and I made Colter's cake.  We did play hide and seek in the dark once it actually got dark (9:00 pm). 

Colter got presents and showered with love and affection.  What more could an eight-year-old boy want?  Well, in this day and age, an eight-year-old boy also wants an iPhone 11 but that wish was not granted.  I guess nothing is perfect, even on your birthday.  

The big kids helped Colter set up a nerf gun battle station and played nerf war with him.  Wyatt spent his own money to give Colter a lego set.  IT totally warms my heart to see Wyatt's generosity continue as he grows up.  When Wyatt was preschool age and he got a treat at preschool, he would always save some to give to Clare and Lorien.  So sweet!

Colter's primary teacher stopped by with a cake and candles just for his birthday.  It was also very sweet (and delicious).

It was a good birthday.  We will continue to do a few other little things as the week goes on.  It is his birthday week after all!  Oh, the hide and seek in the dark story!  This kid!  Months ago he watched a youtube video where they played hide and seek in the dark.  Cotler learned the secret was in the outfit.  He planned out black pants, a black long-sleeved shirt, found a ninja mask, and set aside his darkest colored sneakers.  Colter decided how he wanted to get everyone to the park after him so he could change out of his regular clothes and into his hide and seek clothes without them knowing.  It was awesome.  We got to the park and he took off.  Will was it and honestly, it took him a good long time to finally find Colter.  Will found the rest of the family and we all had to search for Colter.  It was a clever plan and worked to perfection.  

Happy 8th Birthday Colter William.  We love you!

This is a picture of Colter hiding in the shadows at home after our hide and seek game in the park.  We have no idea where he is but he is totally in the picture!  

Here Colter is showing the girls the picture to see if they can find him in the shadows, nope!

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