Monday, April 27, 2020

Lorien's turn to see the poppies!

Lorien told us she had been watching all of her friend's Instagrams filling up with pictures of them in all the poppies here at home.  We thought it would be worthwhile to take her up into the hills for her turn to see all the poppies.  

Again, we had perfect weather!  Warm and sunny, blue skies forever.

Once again, the poppies didn't disappoint!

We had photoshoots galore. 

We got up on the ridgeline on the west side of Los Trampas.  Will showed us a little cut over EBMUD land to this super cool rock formation. 

The rocks were all pocked from the wind and a perfect little window was created with a bench/couch for a perfect view of San Francisco!

Something was blooming on that side of the ridgeline that really got to Colter and Will.  They were sneezing and their eyes were itching like crazy.  We hoofed it over to the other side of the ridgeline as fast as we could.  From there it was a top of the world walk over to Fort Anderson.  It was my favorite kind of ridgeline hike.  Views for days and no steep up or downhill climbs. 

Fort Anderson treated us well with cool shade and mossy seats to rest on. 

As usual, it was a lovely hike and worth every minute we got to spend as a family and out in our beautiful parks. 

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