Wednesday, October 31, 2018

School parade!

Look how cute Adell and Maggie's costumes turned out!  Maximum adorableness.  

Our school district hates me and schedules weird minimum days a the different schools on different days.  Like the high school has a minimum day the week of Homecoming while the rest of the schools have a full week of minimum days.  Then the elementary and middle schools have a whacked out day on Halloween.  It's all messed up.  To make things even better, they have the kindergarten kids on an even shorter schedule.  Messed up to the max, they hate me.

Still, I persevered.  

The kindergarteners have to be at school an hour and a half later than the rest of the school and everyone got out early.  Garbage.  So the kinder kids met up at the school for some fun and games while we waited for the day to start.  Garbage. 

Colter and one of his new friends this year, Rock.

I watched the parade.  This year I found a shady seat and didn't have to bake on the blacktop for 45 minutes (sweet).  Colter could not see me and did not notice I was there...I got zero credit with that kid.

Adell and Maggie saw me and I got double mom points! 

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