Friday, October 26, 2018

Mount Whitney

They did it.

They are home and alive.

They are superheroes.  

Wednesday morning Will and Wyatt left with their packs and piles of gear for Mount Whitney.  They drove half the day and stayed the night at a motel near the base of Mount Whitney.  Thursday was hiking day...

Will's brothers Alan and Dave came along for the adventure.  As did Will's brother-in-law Ben, they invited Kenny (the last brother-in-law) but he had a big test for school and couldn't make it. 

I wish the guys would hop on here and type up their stories from the trip.  It was hard and amazing and my retelling won't do it justice.  I'll put up some highlights and if you ever get a chance to ask Will or Wyatt in person to tell them about their hike, do it!

They headed up to the trail fairly early in the morning, maybe 6 or 7 am.  They were planning on doing the hike in one day so they needed an early start.  They hiked to the top by 2 pm.  Wyatt had cell service at the top of the mountain and gave me a call.  It was awesome to hear from him and know they were at the top safe! 

The hike down was harder than the hike up, I think.  They were all worn out and tired.  Wyatt said it felt like his legs were full of boiling water and at every step water would splash out on to his feet, burning his feet.  The ground cover is apparently all hard rocks, no soft dirt.  So they had been hiking/ walking/stomping over granite all day.  The altitude was hard but they all managed.  Wyatt has a hilarious story about using the bathroom on the mountain but he has to tell it in person.  He also has a funny story about force-feeding himself peanut M&Ms.  Wyatt is a funny guy and a great storyteller.  Ask him about the Mount Whitney hike, you'll be entertained.

They got to the bottom of the mountain around 7 pm.  It was a grueling 12 hour day!  Wyatt, Will, and Dave climbed into Dave's car and drove the six hours straight home AFTER their 12 hour hiking day!?  They made it home in the wee hours of the morning.  They were tired but proud.  They did a super hard thing.  Way to go guys!

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