Friday, February 29, 2008

Who knew Cinderella could ice skate and sing?

I know you cannot see any thing in this picture, just trust me, there are a bunch of princesses skating around with their princes. Lovely...
Lorien and Momma had a date to see the Dinsey Princesses On Ice show. Lorien sang her heart out along with Ariel during "Part of your world". She also took plenty of unviewable shots from our seats way up in the rafters. We both had a fun night with friends and girling it up princess style.

Click it...

My maternal grandmother died of breast cancer when I was pretty little. I don't remember much about her but I remember knowing she was sick. As I have grown older and had time to meet new and amazing people I have been surprised at how many people are effected by cancer. Below is a link to the Breast Cancer Site. If you can take a minute and click on the site they make it possible for women to get free mammograms. So when ever you are checking your email, surfing the net or checking out blogs do your good deed for the day!

It is totally legit, you can check if you don't believe me:

Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Animal Kingdom...

Excepting Lorien, my kids loooooove animals. Wyatt asks frequently "Can we have a dog?" Clare jumps out of her skin with joy when she sees a cat, dog, bird or squirrel cross her path. Both Wyatt and Clare are never shy around animals, walking up to any four-legged creature to say "Hi!", pat it and if possible, give it some loves. I am more on Lorien's level when it comes to the other inhabitants of the planet. Lorien freezes in her tracks and starts to cry if a dog comes into view. To calm her down once I told her that she was very brave around dogs. When I was a kid, if I saw a dog I would climb up on top of some one's head to get away. (True stuff, ask my brothers, sisters and friends whose necks I nearly snapped in my dog-induced freak-outs). I know a lot of people who derive deep satisfaction from a special relationship with their pets. And I am happy for them, really I think its great. I, however, have never had the desire to befriend any creature other than humans (and even those can be pretty unpleasant at times). While these days those standing around me are fairly safe from the possibility of me jumping up on their shoulders and clawing my way up to their head if a dog comes around, I am no where near trotting off to the pet store to pick out the next brown-eyed, furry member of our family. Sorry kids!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The rain keeps coming!

Today was another day of rain, rain, rain. Lorien really loves the rain. Even if it is freezing cold she cannot wait to jump in the puddles. Our house is at the bottom of a hill so our yard is always full of puddles. This afternoon the rain was coming down in heavy sheets but the sun was shining. We could look up in the sky and see parts of the sky covered in heavy clouds and parts where the sky was clear, it was neat.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The rain is back in Northern California...

And with rain, comes mud. Many thanks to Wyatt for the beautiful hand prints all over my living room window.

And Wyatt gives his many thanks to Mom for posting a picture of him showin' off his super cool Deigo undies. Got-cha sucka!

Why wear pants on your legs when they look so much better on your head?

Thanks Aunt Betty Jo and Uncle John!

When we moved to California one of the nicest perks was living close to Will's Aunt Betty Jo and Uncle John. They love us and our kids and we love them. Betty Jo and John pick out perfect Christmas gifts and give my kids Easter baskets full of See's candy (which I eat). They are always tolerant of the excessive noise three kids can make and indulgent with their attention to the tricks three kids want to show off. Some time in October Betty Jo brought a little vial of the coolest bubble solution I've ever seen. This concoction makes bubbles that last forever, are catchable and make a cool snapping sound when you pop them. I've kept the bubbles in the silverware holder of my dish rack. Every couple of days Clare comes wandering into the kitchen saying "E-ent Bubbas!" (I want bubbles). So I take the bubbles into the living room and blow out a big batch. In seconds all of my kids are screaming around the room catching, popping and squishing bubbles. It has been a great source of entertainment for all of them. Check out the pictures of Lorien and Wyatt with their bubble sculptures. Lorien "caught" a bubble mouse and Wyatt "caught" a bubble tower. Thanks Betty Jo!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Do my kids watch too much TV?

Lorien: (after noticing a very brown and spotty banana on the counter) Woah, Mom! You really need to buy green bags.
Me: Oh yhea, why?
Lorien: They keep fruits and vegetables fresh for 30 days...over 40 million bags have been sold.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

100th DAY uf SKooL...

Yesterday at school (skool) the kindergartners and first graders celebrated the 100th day of school. All the kids have been looking forward to the 100th day all year. Each classroom put together 100 days activities and the kids rotated between the four rooms. They built a tower with 100 blocks, threw a bean bag to get 100 points, made a snack with 100 pieces and rolled a jelly bean with their noses 100 inches. Each child had to bring in 100 of some thing. Lorien stuck 100 sequins on some paper (I think some fell off on the way to school). One of the first graders drove 100 miles and brought back two coolers full of snow! When Wyatt, Clare and I got to school to help out we saw all the kids out in the playground throwing snow (it was 70 degrees out). Lorien said it was the best school day ever!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Kitchen Helper...

Wyatt is my best pal in the kitchen. He is like a cat, if he hears the mixer turn on he comes running in from the other room to help. He loves to bake sweets the most...because he gets to lick the spoon and pour the sugar in to the mixing bowl. He is also very helpful with dinner prep, chopping with a butter knife, adding sauce and mixing at the stove. Tonight he was a super helper, we made beef enchiladas. He helped mix up the hamburger, dip, stuff and wrap the enchiladas. I love him!


Grab yourself a bottle of warm milk, some Teletubbies on TV, plenty of pillows to support a lounging toddler and you've got about 25 minutes of peace and quite to get some thing done.

If you give a Wyatt a Camera...

Wyatt asked to take a couple of pictures with the camera. Here are the results...fascinating.

Super Bowl

Food glorious food! The National Anthem.

Clare would only hold still for a brown blob to be painted on her face. Lorien and Wyatt were much more enthusiastic, a Pat's symbol on one cheek, a foot ball on the other and "Go Patriots" on their foreheads.
Every Sunday during football season our family has "football parties". We all sit down to watch a game (or four...). Each family member picks a team they want to win and when that team scores you get a treat! The kids selection primarily circles around the color of uniforms. Wyatt is always certain to choose a team with orange or blue on their jersey and Lorien favors white or red. All the kids look forward to the Super Bowl as it is, naturally, the biggest football party of the season. We have lots of yummy food, cheer loud and proud and get to have our faces painted. This year Lorien and Wyatt really, really, really wanted the Patriots to win (because they were both born in Boston). Mom and Dad were cheering on the Giants. My Dad was always a Giant's fan so I didn't grow up routing for New England. We also lived in Boston during the big quarterback controversy of 2001. We were both Drew Bledsoe supporters so it has been tough to cheer for Brady ever since. We also love the 1972 Dolphins and were not ready to see their perfect season surpassed. Needless to say, it was an awesome game! The kids were disappointed, except for Lorien who at half time said she was cheering for what ever team won... GO GIANTS!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Miss America

Lorien and I threw a Miss America Party the weekend of the pageant. We were so impressed with all of our guests coming in appropriate attire...even if they were pregnant or nursing a baby! The little girls had fun playing in the toy room, eating treats and running in and out of the living room to see if the winner had been crowned yet. The grown up girls had fun laughing at each others costumes (we did have a contestant come in her bathing suit and one in her pj's) analyzing the television contestants and eating more than maybe they should have. Thanks for making it a fun girls night ladies!

Friday, February 1, 2008


Growing up in Maine winters were freezing cold and snowy. By spring the snow had stopped falling and what was left on the ground turned into a giant block of ice. Slowly the sun would warm the ice, breaking it up with small streams running to big puddles at the end of the yard. My brothers and sisters and I would make boats out of Cool whip lids and sticks and sail them down the streams.
Winters in California are a little different. For months on end the sky opens up and rain pelts down day and night. This winter has been fantastically rainy, Lorien and Wyatt have loved every minute of it. A few days ago we decided to go sailing. I cut up empty milk jugs and the kids made sails with blue paper. Lorien and Wyatt had a great time running down the side walk (through shin deep puddles) after their sail boats. It was freezing and raining cats and dogs but it was great!