Sunday, November 11, 2018

Breaking with tradition...

Oh boy, this dude wished for a wiggly tooth every day last year (his first kindergarten year when friends were having teeth fall out of their heads like they'd been in a street brawl).  Colter's teeth were glued to his gums and the roots were deep.  Narry a sign of looseness presented itself all year long.  Over the summer his bottom right tooth started to wiggle.  Little by little that tooth became a full-blown loose tooth! Colter was ecstatic and freaked out at the same time.  He was pumped to FINALLY have a loose tooth but he was worried about how much it would hurt to lose a tooth.  He maintained a safe distance from Will knowing our family tradition of Daddy pulling a kid's first loose tooth with his leatherman tool.  Some days when Colter had wiggled his tooth a lot and felt like it was close to coming out he would tell me to NOT tell Dad his tooth was loose.  He was nervous!

In the last two weeks that loose tooth has become obscenely loose, dangling by the proverbial thread, if you will.  Colter refused any assistance in getting it out.  We watched funny youtube videos to try and encourage him to pick a creative way to get the tooth out.  I suggested tieing it to a nerf gun dart.  Colter was not interested in any option fearing the non-existent pain in tooth removal.  

Sunday morning he was standing at my bedroom mirror watching that wiggly tooth move all around his mouth.  He could practically pick it up and twist it backward.  I suggested the nerf gun again saying the tooth would be out in a snap (snapping my fingers).  Colter said no way.  I snapped my fingers again and guess what, he had pulled that tooth right out.  SNAP!  And it didn't even hurt!  He was so excited and shocked.  It was a win.  

Poor Dad was at church with the big kids so he missed out on his chance to pull Colter's tooth with the leatherman.  Maybe on the next one...

So wiggly!  At Lorien's birthday dinner November 8th

Loose tooth gone!  November 11th

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