Sunday, August 27, 2017

A few days with the Davises

After our day at Bear World we packed up and drove down to Pocatello to visit with my brother, Caleb, and his family.  Caleb, Shelley and their three children moved out to Idaho from Maine right before we moved out to California with our family.  It was a mini westward migration for the Davis family.  Both of our families moved west for school and both loved it out here and decided to stay.  We both added to our families as we lived in the west over the years.  We don't get to see each other very often.  But it sure it fun when we do get together! 

The kids had a great time running around with the boy cousins.  They shot nerf guns and played legos.  They climbed in the back yard and talked about video games they all like.  It was great!

We slept in Uncle Caleb's family room, all of us piled in on couches and air mattresses.  It was perfect!  The next morning was a school/work morning for Uncle Caleb's family.  We got up and visited while they got ready for the day. 

Once the Davises were off for work and school we rounded up our stuff and headed for Centerville, Utah to visit Uncle Chris and Aunt Annette.  Aunt Jenn and cousin Clara recently moved to Utah and we got to see them too!

Uncle Chris got a new dog between the last time we saw him and now.  The dog is named "Moose" and is a pretty good dog.  However, Colter has become deathly afraid of dogs.  He cannot be around them under any circumstances. 

When I was a kid, I was also so afraid of dogs!  I was terrified.  If a dog came around me I would try to climb to the top of the head of whatever family member was nearest me.  I would cry and feel sick if I knew we were going to a place where they had a dog.  It was awful.  Thankfully, I out grew the fear and can behave myself around dogs these days...but it took a long time.  Now I am paying for that with Colter.  He is just as scared of dogs as I was.  He asks if so and so has a dog every time we pull up to a house.  Poor kid.  He has a long road of dealing with dogs.

We spent the last three days of our trip with Uncle Chris and his family.  We went to the rec center pool one day.  Their community has an impressive indoor and out door rec facility.  Clare, Adell and Clara went on their own on the first day we were in Utah.  We all went together on the second day.  It was fun, but they use a lot chlorine to keep the pool clean with all of those bodies in the water.  After an hour some of us (Adell and myself) could feel our eyes and nose stinging.  After a second hour, Adell was in tears and we had to get out of there.  The kids had so much fun playing in the water.  They had a lazy river you floated around in and a big water slide to go down.  It was a fun afternoon activity.

The next day was Saturday and time to hit the road.  Will made his way down to us in Utah and we loaded up the van for the drive home. Wyatt had heard of Swig cookies and their mixed sodas another Utah food fad.  We found one close to Uncle Chris's house and bought some cookies and soda for everyone to enjoy.  We picked Will up at the airport (he had taken a shuttle from Idaho Falls down to the airport) and hit the road!

It was a crazy trip (per our usual) but a lot of fun.  We saw as many family members as we could and spent hours on end in the car...yep, sounds like a typical Anderson Family Vacation.  Someday we might just sit on a beach and relax for a vacation but I doubt it.

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