Monday, October 5, 2015


After my mental health vacation to Boston our whole family took a little vacation to Monterey.  I flew into Oakland Saturday afternoon, Will and the kids picked me up and we drove straight down to Monterey.  I haven't been home in almost a week--which is nice if home is making you lose your marbles.  

It was a perfect weekend to stay at a beach house.  We are lucky enough to know the family that owns this little beach house and they offered to let us stay there for the weekend of General Conference.  


We spent chunks of the day watching conference and eating candy.  The kids get to pick out a handful of meaningful words (Prophet, gospel, scriptures, etc) and every time they hear those words they got to put down a tally mark.  At the end of the talks they got to collect candy and treats for each tally mark.  Bribery is a great way to get kids to pay attention at church.  Amen.

Between sessions of conference we slipped down to the beach.  The house was literally one block from the ocean.  The front yard was beach sand.  For this beach-bum it was so very cool.



Sunday evening we took a special trip out to the dunes.  We had to drive for a bit, park in an abandoned military facility, cross the freeway on a closed overpass and hike down to the beach...but it was worth it.  





We ended up staying in Monterey for one extra day.  Lorien went back home with Uncle David and his family.  She had school obligations she didn't want to skip.  The rest of us spent the day at the aquarium.  I've only been to this aquarium twice.  It is huge, cool and expensive.  The first time we went it happened to be "locals day" and the place was packed!  It was not a very satisfying experience.  This trip was way better!  The kids got to see (and sometimes touch) everything.  We got to ask questions of the guides and ooh and awe over the wonders of the ocean.



I learned this cool thing about anchovies and sardines...really any kind of fish that travel in large schools.  These fish swim all around in swirling masses of thousands of fish.  Everyone knows they do this primarily because there is strength in numbers.  But plenty of us wonder, how do all of those fish swim around with out smacking into each other all the time?  Or, how do they know how to change direction at the exact same time?  

Turns out, scientists have discovered an organ inside the gills of these kinds of fish.  The organ can detect even the slightest change in water pressure or current.  So if one fish slightly moves it's head, every fish around "feels" it and they all move too.  (This may be the crappiest explanation ever...go ahead a google it for better information...)  

Anyway, I thought that was cool.  AND, I realized, my children have this exact ability!  I swear, they know how to move around my legs and body as I try to make my way around.  By some strange sixth sense, (or organ in their gills) they know exactly where I am going to be a millisecond before I do and how to get there.  I am constantly moving around with children swarming around me--and constantly trying not to step on them.  

It is amazing.

Thankfully, this sense seems to wear off.  Because adults do not do this.  I have high hopes for my children and my future ability to walk around without a kid being right under my feet all the time. 


The whole trip ended up being one of those few family vacations where it was easy, fun and relaxing.  

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