Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A little peek at a typical evening in the Anderson House...

Lorien trying to finish the very long book she chose for her book report. Yes, she is in a Snuggie and yes, she is sandwiched between the trash bins and office stuff.

Wyatt, finished with his homework, spends some time fighting aliens on the computer.

Clare, making cards for potential pen-pals. Will you please write to this girl? She wants to get a piece of mail so much!

Adell squeezes in some time with Baby Einstein--trapped on the couch so Momma can...

Try and get dinner made and on the table.

So goes a typical evening at our house.


Jonah and Aja said...

just so you know. aja thinks you are the coolest cassie. she told me that just the other day.

Jonah and Aja said...

I do think you are the coolest... AND I've been quoting your comment on my last blog: "I want another baby... I just don't want another kid"... it rang so true to me.

We should get Elsie and Clare to be pen pals... Elsie LOVES sending mail.

Anne said...

Sounds just like my house, maybe we should move in together.... or at least right beside each other, in Texas.