Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Baby...

Having children makes me realize how short a year really is. In the weeks leading up to Adell's first birthday I spent some time flipping through pictures from exactly a year before.

Looking at myself all huge and pregnant, watching videos of my belly moving with alien-like independence and seeing pictures of my kids when I just had 3 to keep track of is crazy. That middle picture up there--that is the last picture I took of Lorien, Wyatt and Clare before I went to the hospital to have another baby.

My pregnancy with Adell was a pretty big surprise. We talked about having a fourth child and had decided it would be a good idea--some day. We started making a list of things that should happen before baby #4 could join our family. The list got longer and longer. I don't know if we ever would have checked every thing off. At long last, it took a serious laps in planning on my part and whoops--I was pregnant.

I found out just before we drove down to southern California to go to Disneyland for Clare's 3rd birthday. I had a brilliant plan for breaking the news to Will. I printed "Hey Babe I'm Pregnant" on a sheet of paper. I knew there were rides where your picture was automatically taken for keepsakes. My plan was to flash the paper at the picture point, buy a keepsake and surprise the heck out of my unsuspecting husband.

Brilliant, right?

I wish it would have worked out that way--but it didn't. Clare woke up puking the night before we were suppose to go to Disneyland and I ended up spilling the "I'm pregnant" beans with a heap of hormonal tears in my Aunt Colleen's guest bedroom.

Brilliant, right?

Meh--brilliant "I'm pregnant" reveals are way over rated.

The picture above is from a Disneyland trip a year after Clare's birthday trip. The note says: "I love you Will!"

Well one uneventful pregnancy later, we officially welcomed Adell Becci into our family.

She is a little dear and I will be forever grateful for the serious laps in planning on my part that kicked off this addition to our family.

Happy, happy birthday Adell.

1 comment:

Craziest Cottrell said...

She is so cute! I can't believe she is so big! Happy Birthday!!!