Thursday, July 8, 2010

Jail Break, Bad Dreams and a Cute Baby...

Wyatt: Hey Momma. I thought of a way you could get out of jail before you were ever put in jail.
Me: How about never breaking the law?
Wyatt: (Laughs) No. Just have one of your friends say "May we have a word with the window open?" then he has some rope in his pocket and when the police close the door you and your friend just climb out the window!
Me: Genius.

Lorien: (Crying) I had a bad dream!
Daddy: Oh, I'm sorry.
Lorien: Is there away to travel to another world and get stuck there for a year before you can travel back?
Daddy: No, time travel hasn't been invented yet.
Lorien: Thanks for telling me that.

Last night I had a dream we moved to New York City. We moved into an apartment with some old friends of ours who (in the dream) had five daughters--the youngest was named: Fadelle...

Here is that cute baby I promised in the title:

1 comment:

Mandyloo said...

You guys have been busy this summer! I wish I would take more time to relax and enjoy it too!! I did just spend 2 wonderful weeks with my family in Utah so I guess I can't complain. I noticed in another post you mentioned something about moving. I hope it will not be far and that it won't take you guys out of the ward. That would be horrible!! Love the cute baby. She is adorable!