Monday, August 3, 2009


On Monday nights the mini-golf place in our town has a screamin' deal for families. Naturally, we loaded up all of our kids and headed over. And more naturally still, we had a great time. We played boys vs. girls with the looser having to make dessert for the winners. It was a closely fought game with Daddy and Momma getting the exact same score. The children's score was to decide the winner. Wyatt beat Lorien by a few strokes--but Clare got a "hole in two" on one green--an astonishing change from her usual 12 to 16 strokes per hole. Her super sportsmanship and attitude won the day for the girls.
Another highlight of our evening was the brief capture and exploration a a little "golf" lizard. Clare wanted nothing to do with the lizard but Lorien and Wyatt took turns holding and petting it.
Lets take a mini-moment to analyze my golf stance. Notice the placement of my feet--perfect turn out. Elbows slightly askew around my rounding belly. Oh, and my bum is as round as my belly--nice... Right now my bum and belly are having a contest, which can shame me into a strict wardrobe of muumuus and sweat pants first. (In my opinion my bum is winning aided unfairly by my thighs.)
A fun time was had by all!

1 comment:

Danielle and Derrick said...

Hey! Thanks for saying hi on our blog. Yeah, I think you were the only person I didn't get to say hi to at the potluck. Bummer. Congrats on baby number 4! Oh, and you never mentioned what the boys made the girls for dessert :)