Saturday, August 8, 2009

Henry Cowell Woods...

We took a drive south today to hike around Henry Cowell State Park. This is where Will came with the kids when his family was in town for their reunion. If you live around here and have ever been up to the Muir Woods near San Fransisco you should check out Henry Cowell. For the same amount of drive time you get a family friendly hike and awe-inspiring views of giant redwoods with smaller crowds.
Will is the very best nature guide. While I hike around with my eyes glued to my feet to avoid tripping over them, he notices every thing from a tiny bug crawling along the path to the different shades of green in the foliage above. His enthusiasm for the world around make our hikes so much better.

Try not to be too jealous of how stinkin' adorable Clare looks in that picture right up there. Will has decided that all of our daughters will be locked in a high tower when they turn 12. We are going to need a lot of bricks...

A good portion of our hike was along a little river. Once we were all hiked out we stopped by the river and let the kids play in the water. Will took the big kids down stream to hunt for craw-dads while Clare and I stayed on the bank and played in the mud.

The craw-dads were too quick and cunning for capture today but Lorien found a fresh water clam. (Exciting stuff!) Oh, when we got to the river the kids asked if we brought their swim suits--nope! Lorien quickly stripped down to her panties and made her way into the cool water. Wyatt, however, stood paralyzed on the sand. When he was 3 I couldn't keep clothes on this boy. Now that he is 5 he has developed an astonishing sense of modesty. He could not imagine exposing his skivvied bum to his mother and sisters let alone the three strangers who were also at the river! It took a good 5 minutes of cajoling but the boy did take off his shorts and played the afternoon away in his underwear.

1 comment:

Jonah and Aja said...

that is uncanny. camden is exactly the same. when he hit 5 he decidesd he should be modest. who taught him that??