Friday, January 16, 2009

Love him...

Wyatt is growing into what I believe is a "typical boy". He loves video games and super heroes. He acts very silly around all of Lorien's friends and he does not want his Mother to kiss him any more--not even at bed time. But every once in a while he lets his tough-guy act slip and his sweet side shows:

He and I were walking back to the car this morning after dropping Lorien off at school. Wyatt looked around and observed: "There's nobody else outside right now. Just you and me." "Yep," I began "we are two lone people on the side walk." "We aren't alone," he corrected "we have each other."

Tug-tug (the sound from my heart strings) sniff-sniff (the sound from my tear-induced runny nose).


Marilyn said...

I love the equal parts macho and sweet combination of little boys!

brenley said...

too darling! your little wyatt is so sweet - i am glad i get to be one of his teachers in primary - he is just so cute!

and keep up the good exercising work! maybe to celebrate your success we should all go get some ice cream? or maybe salads? no, even better, cheesecake! yum!

Craziest Cottrell said...

That is so sweet! Don't you love boys. They are just the most genuine things.