You left us around noon on Monday, the day after that went like any other. We got Lorien from school, Clare refused to take a nap--choosing to mess her pants instead. The big kids fought over who would be able to jump higher once they were as big as Daddy and I fought with the kids over how much dinner they had to eat before we could have FHE. We did manage to have an easy FHE. We sang our usual songs, read a few stories from the friend and roasted marshmallows over the BBQ. Through one miracle or another we managed to roast about 15 marshmallows (and by roast I mean hold in propane fueled flames until they caught fire and turned black) without burning the deck down or setting any one's hair a-blaze.
After getting covered in melted-mellow-matter the kids hit the tub. You know our tub: the gigantic Rubbermaid container with a crack in the bottom that I plug every seven days with hot glue and plastic bags, set in our oddly tub less shower stall--yhea, that tub. Well I got all three kidd-o's piled in there and just started the water running when Dave and Angela stopped by. Their pity-senses must have been tingling because they offered to take the kids out on a walk. Too bad they had to hang out in the dirty living room while I finished up the kids bath. Good thing our air conditioner was on or they might have taken one look at the mess and bolted. We all walked to the near by elementary school where the kids rode their bikes and played on the playground. (Thanks for the fun activity Dave and Angela!)
****It was straight to bed once we were home. I promised myself, as soon as the kids were in bed I would be Super-Homemaker and get the house clean in one hour before heading to bed at a very early hour...instead I sat on the couch and watched "Step it up and Dance" before taking the trash out and going to bed. --One Day Down, Two To Go!--
you crack me up! Really. you should be a writer...i always laugh so hard reading your posts!
Thanks for the update, Babe. Can't wait to get back home and help you fight the kids. We can still take 'em if we work together!
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