Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter day...

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Lorien, Clare and Wyatt digging into the egg shaped cake.

Alton after Cake... All the cousins eating cake... Riley... Clare....

The kids got up early and were extremely relieved to discover the Easter Bunny had managed to find them even though they were not at home. All the cousins had an egg hunt in Grandma Judy's suite and had baskets of Easter candy for breakfast. We went to church with Roy and Jean Wendt and then had Easter dinner back at the hotel. For a meal made in a hotel kitchenette it was divine! Grandpa Clay brought along a yummy egg shaped cake that put smiles on the kids faces and turned their lips green.

1 comment:

Jonah and Aja said...

glad to get caught up on your life. lets hang out sometime.