It took us a few days to get back into our home groove. I sure was glad it was summer vacation and the kids didn't need to be too many places every day.
Adell continued taking early morning swim lessons with her swim team. She had her very first meet on Saturday after we got back from Maine. She missed two meets while we were in Maine...and two weeks of practice.
She did a great job at the meet. It was so great to see her swim and try her best! She swam breast stroke and free style. Breast stroke is her favorite...I think it's hard to get the timing right on that one but she loves it!
While we were in Maine, the search and rescue crew in Idaho recovered Kayla's body. Ugh, I cannot even type that sentence without crying. We weren't sure what kind of arrangements Caleb and Shellie would make for Kayla's funereal. We also weren't sure if we could make the timing work...what ever the arrangements. Caleb and Shellie picked Friday June 15th for Kayla's memorial service and her burial to be Saturday. Will and I agonized over whether or not we should go. We also agonized with the kids. We were in Maine when we got the timing news. All of our hearts wanted to be there so badly but we weren't sure how or if we could make it happen.
We used up all of our frequent flyer miles on the previous trips to Idaho. We also knew if we wanted to take the kids we would need to drive so we would have our own car and be able to be there at all. We debated just me going, me and Will, me and one or two of the kids. It was a lot of back and forth on our options.
We were able to help my Mom and sister, Camie, in Maine make plans to go out. My mom has been wanting to be out with Caleb and his family for weeks. With her so fresh off shoulder surgery she couldn't travel alone and would need some good help with bags etc. My niece, Victoria, was also able to fly out with my Mom and Camie for the funereal.
Knowing so much family would be there to love and support Caleb...and knowing we had done the loving and supporting in the days and weeks right after Kayla's disappearance...we decided to miss the services and stay home in California. It was not an easy decision.
My sweet sisters sent me updates all weekend long. It was lovely to see their faces and hear about the happenings in Idaho.
My brother, Mike, who is a musician performed at Kayla's memorial service. Cue the bawling mess...
This is the back of my oldest brother, Chris, and my Mom's heads during Mike's song. |
Then my nephews, Philip and Jackson, sang with some girls from their choir. I got to see videos of these tributes. It was so moving and beautiful!
There was plenty of comforting silliness between the services. My family knows how to have a good time, even when we are going through something very hard.
I want to take a second to remember all of this. I know I am not doing it justice with my writing and that stinks. But I want to remember. I want my kids to know. People were there to love and serve all of us during this awful time. People brought meals, donated boats, watched children, ran errands, distracted with conversation, hugged and prayed and loved us...constantly. I could feel so palpably the love and support of God at this time. I felt it through every friend who reached out to me and every friend who was a stranger to me but a friend to my family who patted my back and brought a meal to my family in Idaho. It was heartbreaking and I wasn't in the circle of people most effected. But people loved me and loved them. God gave comfort via the people around us. It was a miracle. I am grateful.
Friday and Saturday was Clare's big dance show. This was one of our reasons to not take the kids to Idaho. Clare had been working all year on her dance numbers. She had a few parts that were very front and center. She didn't want to let her class down. So we stayed and watched Clare dance.
She was amazing!
At one point I got a text from one of Clare's friends. Clare had left her pants at home for her last number. We called Wyatt at home who was able to track the dance pants down. Will hopped in the car and RACED down to Danville and back up to Walnut Creek. He pulled up just as Clare's dance group was lining up to go on stage. She threw her pants on and didn't have to dance in her undies!
I know it looks like Clare is wearing the exact same pants in the above picture and below. They were very similar. Another friend had a pair of gray leggings that Clare could have danced in. Her dance pants were a little looser and had some moto-stripes on the knees and thighs. You couldn't tell the difference from the balcony...but Clare could tell! It was important and Dad was a hero.
It was a busy, emotional weekend. We were grateful to be home and sad to miss Kayla's memorial but think we made the best choice for our family. We will get back to Idaho and Utah again soon and give our love again in person.