This is how we do it.
Celebrate the Christmas season.
Get a tree, usually right after Thanksgiving (check).
Play a variety of games (check)
Here we are playing dreidel for the first time. Wyatt has been asking to play since he learned how in Kindergarten. It has taken me five years to find chocolate gold coins and actually play. As we were playing this round, I learned (via Wikipedia) that you can play with anything: pennies, candy...even raisins. Adell learned about the dreidel game in Kindergarten from a Jewish classmate.
Deliver 12 Days of Christmas stuff to our Secret Santa families (check x 12)
Make gingerbread houses (check)
Every other year I make real gingerbread or use gram crackers. This year I made gingerbread...and just like the other years I made it...this year I swore (with real swear words) that I would never do it again. It is so much work.
Participate in the nativity and have an awesome Christmas eve party with Dave and Angela's family (double check)
Do the Christmas day thing (check)
Enjoy the wonder of Christmas and feel the love and joy in our family (check--a million times check)