Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Oh yhea, I've been dealing with this too...

I'm 24 weeks and due May 16th.

I still haven't told my family.

We are not finding out the sex of baby #5.

We will probably name the baby "5" because we are out of ideas.


Sunday, January 22, 2012

One More Time...

I had another Miss America Party last night.

It was a hit.

No surprise there.

I am super-cool now with my new friends.

I might have to quit while I am waaaaaaay ahead.

Two contestants put on a clogging number as the final talent of the evening and totally stole the show.

Deal with it...

Chaos and disorder still reign...

But I got a post up about Christmas.

I dated it for December 31st so it would look like I had better control of my life.

I am fooling every one!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Update coming...

I am desperately trying to get back on top of things in life. I feel like chaos and disorder has overtaken our home in a big way. We live in a pretty disorganized home under the best circumstances--but since Thanksgiving, or maybe even Halloween, (lets just be honest and say Labor Day) things have really fallen apart.

I have a good excuse. Just let me come up with it...

Anyway, this week I have dedicated myself to conquering the laundry, dishes and bathrooms. There has to be a way to get our family into a good routine so those little daily tasks don't turn into dangerous hazards. Right now my couch is piled so high of clean laundry--if it topples over some little body will be crushed to death. I think it would be a very pleasant smelling death, I use nice laundry detergent. But it would be a death all the same.

I also have grand pans for getting the good old blog up to date. We had a lovely Christmas and lots of little happenings are buzzing around in my head. I want to get them all down here since I really rely on this blog as a family journal.

Too bad the author of this blog as an inconsistent, unreliable flake.

But I have a good excuse! Give me a minute, I'll come up with it...

Anyway, I am making progress in organizing our family photos and movies. I got a new computer for Christmas and I am trying to get our digital life properly preserved. In my organization I found the picture of Wyatt up there. Isn't he something else in the cute department? When he was 2 years old he wore that Incredibles costume EVERYWHERE! And when people would ask if he was Mr. Incredible he would get really mad and say "NO, I'm Dash!". His crankiness over being misidentified was adorable.

Enjoy it. Holiday update and life in general update to come.
