Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween...

From the most awesome Kitty Cat, Salsa-Dancing-Peacock-Princess, Indiana Jones, Fairy Princess and Jack-O-Lantern on the planet.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Turkish invasion...

This morning, while Adell and I were waiting for some new friends to come over and play, we started hearing this strange shrieking sound coming from outside. When we pulled open the curtains we saw about 15 grown turkeys hanging out on our back patio. A few minutes later when our friends came over they said our front yard was full of turkeys too! The turkeys only stayed for about 5 minutes before jumping the fence and heading out. It made for an interesting morning--and made me want to eat some mashed potatoes and cranberries.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Saturdays are for football...and futbol...

Wyatt has been playing soccer since the very end of August. His soccer skills were pretty rough at the start of the season but by mid-season he had a couple of shots-on-goal and seemed to be more focused on the game rather than the grass growing around him.

Wyatt is #10 and his Dad is "# the Ref". Wyatt usually does a great job of telling his other teammates where to be (silently, with hand movements) and Will does a great job of coaching Wyatt from the field (under his breath, with his back to the opposing team).

Additionally, STANFORD FOOTBALL SEASON STARTED! In case you've been living under a rock for the last several weeks...or don't live in the bay area...Stanford is doing really well this season. As always, we got a family pack of tickets and have been to every home game. We all have a good time, even if some of us need cotton candy to make it through the games.

Having moved all the way across the bay between this football season and last has changed our appreciation of the team. This year we make it to the game well before kick off. Also, we did not pony up the cash for a parking pass so we have to park some where in downtown Palo Alto and hoof it to the stadium. We are much better time managers now that we live farther away. Getting to the game early enables us to see more of the Stanford band (a good and bad thing), stand for the national anthem and cheer when our team comes on the field. We've also witnessed this little pregame ritual of some of the Stanford players.

I think it is cool to see all those college aged boys taking a couple of seconds to say a prayer before the game starts. Maybe they are asking the Good Lord to protect their bodies and dedicate their performance to their Maker. Or maybe they are praying that their opponents wont cry too hard when Stanford kicks their butts... Either way, it is a nice thing to see and I try to point it out to my kids when we make it in time.

**Even though this post is dated for some time in October, I am typing it in November. I don't have any posts up for October and all of these games happened in October. Also, Wyatt's soccer season just ended and I am so happy I could cry. Kid's activities are taking up waaaaay too much of my precious "sit-around-and-do-nothing" time.