Monday, January 31, 2011


I cannot find the camera.

The brand-spankin'-new camera.

The camera with loads of hilarious pictures from the annual Mother-Daughter-Miss-America Party.

The camera I want to use to take pictures of my kids in the sunshine--before the rain starts again.

Where is that blasted thing?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Another Walker...

My little baby has been walking for two weeks now. She started taking tentative steps on her own a couple of days after we got back from Yosemite. Here Adell is on the 11th of January--once she really got the hang of things.

Go baby, go!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Yosemite day two (or three)...

We let the kids spend all morning out in the snow on our last day at Yosemite--which is really all they wanted to do.

They built two forts, threw snow balls and tried to make snow angles. It was great.

We also took a short walk to the lower falls. Once again (on the very same walk as the day before) Adell lost her mind and screamed for most of the walk. Baby screams aside, we all had a lovely time soaking in the last bit of Yosemite beauty before heading back home.

Monday, January 10, 2011

"Here We Yo--Semite, Here We Yo!" (clap, clap)

That was the sound from our mini van as we pulled out of our parking lot and onto the road for the highly anticipated 3 hour 48 minute drive to Yosemite National Park.

The excitement level was off the charts.

We drove, and drove, and drove. After some minor slowing due to route miscalculation, rain and windy roads we entered Yosemite 4 hours after our cheering began. We paid the $20 bucks (You are very welcome National Parks Department.) and pulled off the road to put chains on our tires.

And that is where our happy adventure took a disastrously stressful turn...

Look at the joy on those faces! Even the baby knows we are some where special. Too bad it was not going to last.

Will tried our chains on the van tires--chains we bought six years ago for our little blue car on a drive out to Montana. Can you guess what happened next?

The chains did not fit. It was 5:00 on a Sunday evening, we were poised on the threshold of a national treasure and the kids were jumping out of their own skin to play in the snow. We however, could not go any further in the park with out chains for the tires.

Commence a 60 mile--90 minute--search for chains, in towns very small and very far away from our destination. Commence a 90 minute scream party for one tired and cranky baby girl who was "finished" sitting in her car seat.


As if the "no chains" drama was not enough--500 yards into the park we got stuck behind a broken snow plow for thirty minutes. The time spent was not totally wasted though, it was snowing and since traffic in both directions was stopped we let the kids get out and play in the road--er--snow.

Add another 45 minute drive through the park, checking into our hotel, our kids stumbling through slushy puddles and you get our happy(?) family arriving at Yosemite Lodge--8 loooooooooong hours after we started our "Here We Yo-Semite, Here We Yo!" cheer.

With promises of a better tomorrow, we tucked the kids in their beds and all got some much needed sleep!

And what a fabulous tomorrow it was. Will took the big kids skiing (all by himself) and I stayed at the Lodge with Adell. We took a little stroll around the park with our friends and it was so-so. Don't get me wrong, the sceenery was jaw-dropping. But my baby--who fell asleep 3 hours after her regular bedtime the night before--was not in the mood for a chilly stroll through a winter landscape. Adell started crying minutes into the walk.

The louder our babies screamed--the bigger our smiles got. Those babies were screaming at a fevered pitch by this point...

When we got back to the Lodge those screaming babies took a 2 1/2 hour nap. I spent the quiet time reading, relaxing and turning the heat up to a cozy temperature. It was glorious!

Will had his hands full with three brand-new skiers. He successfully got each child in boots and skis and made many trips up and down the slopes. The kids loved it--especially Clare. She cannot wait to go skiing again.

After dinner we spent the night ice skating at a rink near by.

Well, I think I'd better save day two for another has taken me almost two weeks to hit "publish post" on this sucker.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Greetings From Yosemite Lodge...

(I didn't take that picture--but that is pretty much what I see out the window right now.)

It is lovely up here--really lovely.

We decided to extend our winter break by a couple of days and go up to Yosemite for some snow fun.

There was quite a bit of stress in making the decision to come up here (and even more stress in getting here...). You see, our family has been feeling kind of financially strapped for the last several months. Nothing drastic, all of our basics are more than covered and we had a sweet little Christmas. But taking three days to stay in a hotel, play in the snow and eat all of our meals out--that took some saving.

I worried.

But now we are here, Will has taken Lorien, Wyatt and Clare up the mountain to ski. I stayed at the hotel with Adell and we had a nice walk around outside. She is napping now and I am all snug in bed with the heat turned up. Yosemite got a bunch of snow recently and all the trees are covered with frozen fluff. Today the sun is shining and much of the snow is dripping off the branches or falling in silver flurries to the ground below. It is quiet and I am having a great time staring out the window.

It is lovely up here--really lovely.