Thursday, June 25, 2009
Our Latest Photographer...
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Always a Busy Weekend...
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Ding-Dong the Witch is Dead!
Wrestling has been a big part of our family for the last several months and has taken up a lot of our time. The kids have had a great time going to practice with Daddy and Uncle David and Wyatt has been a whirlwind of success at all of the tournaments. In addition to eight medals Wyatt was rewarded with several pounds of extra weight to his little frame. (Much to his fathers delight.)
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Well said dear friend...
I'll try to be better.
Not that I think there are an overwhelming number of people who care about what is going on in my life--I just figure I'd better contribute to wasted web space when possible.
So, let me just start by saying: I really am pregnant. See:
If you do not have a lot of experience in reading ultrasound photos you are just going to have to take my word for it...all those white dots on the black background is a real life me. Really it is mostly placenta and that little alien face in the upper left is the baby's face. Seriously, my kid looks exactly like an alien, creepy. I had my first doctor's appointment last week and everything is fine. I even got a prescription for some anti-nausea pills that have been helping to keep my head out of the toilet. My official due date is November 30th but I am planning on November 8th. Lorien was born on November 8th, Wyatt was born on November 8th and I am shooting for consistency here.
Apparently, little piggies have terrible eye sight. The pigs don't know that little fingers poking through the fence aren't tasty bits of food. To keep their fingers on their hands and out of the pigges teeth all the kids kept their hands clasped behind their backs.
All the kids loved checking for eggs and seeing the baby chicks.
Clare couldn't stop talking about all the animals she saw. For days we were entertained with pig, sheep and goat stories. At the end of the tour our farmer-guide told the kids they could ride horses back to the pick-nick area. First the kids had to learn how to say "Giddey-Up!" and "Woahhhh!" to make the horses start and stop. Then they got to mount up on the horses...their very own legs...All the boys turned their imaginary farm horses into race horses.
Fun day.
Accomplishment of accomplishments Wyatt graduated from preschool at the end of May!
The very same evening Wyatt wrestled at the Santa Clara Valley Tournament, the final tournament of the season. The kids had to wrestle at night instead of their usual morning time slot. Wyatt had been up early that morning and had already had a busy day with Preschool graduation and all. Despite all the bumps Wyatt wrestled hard and did a great job. He came in 3rd. He was GREAT!
He had to wrestle the toughest two kids at the tournament for his last two matches. It was almost 10:00 at night and we were all exhausted! Wyatt gave it his all and worked his little 38 pound bum off. We were all so proud of Wyatt. (And I am so glad the wrestling season is over!) Here is a video of one of his matches. WARNING! Before you press play you should turn the volume on your computer down. There is a lot of shouting and cheering at a wrestling tournament. All that noise just bounces around the gymnasium--it is loud.
And finally, I've spent this last weekend home, alone, cleaning, organizing and missing my husband and children. Will--let's just call him what he is--Super Man, took all three kids camping at Mt. Shasta. Super Man has been composing a blog entry of his very own so stay tuned for details of their trip! My weekend has been so great! I've missed Super Man lots and lots and missed my kids (a little less than Super Man). But it has been so nice to have a quiet empty house where I can work.
If there are any husbands/fathers reading this blog I want you to know that more than chocolates, flowers or even jewelry your wives/mother of your children want a weekend away from those children. Really, you should have seen the excitement on my girlfriend's faces when I told them about my weekend. Show your wives how much you love them and take your children away next weekend. You'll be happy you did!