What has Lorien been up to lately? She is living her best life in San Diego with a pile of roommates she loves and adores. She is working part time at a plant based fast food place on campus. She is not vegan but supports all of her customers by making fake chicken nuggets.
After taking a semester off she is back at school but still fully remote. She is putting her heart and effort into being an amazing student so she can take advantage of the transfer program.
One of her roommates got a pet tarantula and now I can never set foot in San Diego county again.
For her final journalism class she had to do a personal interview. She chose to interview Will and a few people who knew him in his childhood. It was fun to over hear her interviews with them on zoom and see her get to know her dad. Even though we had told her some of the stories from his childhood it all seemed like new news to Lorien.
We are really happy for Lorien. She seems to be finding her own way with a lot of confidence and pride in her own way. Most importantly, she is happy. We love that for her.