Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Round is a shape

For the last 13 years or so, I have given my body over to the process and work of making babies.  I've been pregnant or nursing or too exhausted from nights of caring for temperamental toddlers to do the work of keeping fit (or care about my physical body even a tiny bit).  Food was fuel for making babies or keeping up with babies (and food with lots of calories makes the best fuel).  

I once joked around with my sister saying Colter was the baby that McDonalds built.  I was so busy running around getting kids from point A to B and keeping up with the other four kids I drove through for more meals than I'd care to admit.  Let's just say the people at the drive through window started greeting me by usual order: "Oh hi Mrs. Big Mac with large fries and a Coke!"  (I wish that was sarcasm.)  The In and Out people knew me too...


Now I know I am done making babies.  Colter has reached the ripe old age of three and it is time to start fixing all of the bad habits I've developed over the years.  I am not fat--but I am not healthy either.  I want to be able to run with my kids and maybe run for my life (if that ever comes up).  I want to be able to do a decent number of push-ups.  I want to be able to touch my toes when my legs are out straight.  Those all seem like reasonable goals.

Since the start of the year (February really) I've been working out every day.  Things are going well.  I can do 8 real push-ups in a row.  I can run for 45 minutes.  I can touch the middle of my shins when my legs are out straight.  

For his birthday, Will asked for (and received) a FitBit watch.  He has been trying to lose some weight and get his shoulder strength up.  So, in an effort to help each other we go for walks at night.  It is really lovely.  I adore our neighborhood and like to walk around our town.  We have a few fun trails that go up into the hills providing some awesome views (if we get out before the sun sets).  

Lastly, I am dieting for the first time ever in my life.  I hate it.  I hate counting calories and making sure I don't eat 1/2 a pound of cookie dough for lunch.  It is the pits.  BUT with my improved physicality I have noticed that the fuel I put into my body is slowing me down a bit.  So I am trying...trying to eat better and feel healthier.  I hate it.  Hopefully my attitude will turn around.  

Monday, June 22, 2015



There is a little singing-dancing group in our area called ShowBiz.  Most of the kids in our friend groups participate in ShowBiz.  So we go along with the crowd and have our kids do it too.  Kidding, truthfully, Lorien loves to perform and was in ShowBiz last year (singing and dancing her heart out).  This year Wyatt was offered a spot in a group of his peers and he gave it a try too.  


No surprise, he had a great time and did an amazing job with his group.  Lorien (also no surprise) loved ShowBiz again this year.  Even though she had to wear "the most hideous costume".  


She did get kind of a bad draw in the headband department.  This girl has a whole-lotta hair and the little strip of fabric she was supposed to wear around all that hair was not really working out.  At one point she had a wicked case of mushroom head.  She managed to perform professionally and knock our socks off regardless of headband drama.  She is a pro.  


I am pretty thankful for the experience of it all.  ShowBiz gives Lorien another avenue for her singing and dancing and it gave Wyatt some confidence in putting himself out for all to see.  They both got lots of time with excellent friends--which helped strengthen those important friendships.  


So, two thumbs up ShowBiz!  Thanks for another great season.  

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day

Oh this guy.  How did I get so lucky to have him for the father of my children?  He is fun and smart.  He loves his children so very much, and they love him.  He works hard to provide for all these little cuties (and endures a fair about of stress doing so).  We are so thankful for him.  Happy Father's Day William James.  We love you!

We have a little scrap-type-book.  Every year for Father's day the kids write a letter to Will and put in their handprint and a current picture of themselves.  This year, for their picture I took a picture of the kids wearing the shirts Will wore when they were all born.  (Almost, Clare and Colter's shirts are not exact...but shirts Will definitely wore when they were tiny.)